
NAADGS 2022-2025 Strategic Plan Published

​The first ever NAADGS Strategic Plan 2022-2025 has been completed after two years of planning, organizing, and implementing work of the NAADGS Board of Directors and NAADGS members. Opening with NAADGS’ core values, the report outlines the history and the important work that has been accomplished through the past 20 years by what was then known as APGSA, the Association for Problem Gambling Services. The plan then moves the work yet to come in the next three years. It highlights the work of the past four years as NAADGS has rebranded, and thoughtfully adopted its mission, vision, and values statements. The report offers a candid look at the current strengths, weaknesses (we prefer challenges!), opportunities and threats to the agency.

To get specific with the plan, the NAADGS workgroups have been working diligently to define goals, objectives, and action plans to move the agency toward its ultimate mission, to enhance state and federal efforts to raise awareness, educate and mitigate the potential impact or related harm of gambling. The goals and objectives of the workgroups can be found as an addendum to the narrative at the end of the document.

As with all strategic plans, this is a work in progress. It is a roadmap for next steps that continue the work of NAADGS within the scope of national work directed toward addressing the prevention of and services to those who are negatively affected by gambling disorders. This plan will be reviewed regularly and amended as needed to keep current with the goals and objectives that will keep NAADGS current with the work at hand necessary to meet the NAADGS mission.

View the full Strategic Plan: NAADGS 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

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