Problem Gamblers in CalGETS Treatment Health and Insurance Status

Problem Gamblers in CalGETS Treatment Health and Insurance Status

We analyzed the health and health insurance status of 879 problem gamblers who entered CalGETS outpatient treatment between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.

Of clients in CalGETS treatment, 29% report very good or excellent health, 40% report good health, and 30% report fair or poor health. By contrast, 51% of Californians rate their health as very good or excellent, 32% as good, and 18% as fair or poor.

A total of 85% of clients report having health insurance coverage. This is less than the 89% reported for California as a whole. Additionally, 82% of treatment clients report having a physical check-up in the past two years. Just 4% reported that their doctor asked them about gambling.

Sources – Outpatient Gamblers: CalGETS Fiscal Year 2016-17 dataset, prepared for the California Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling by the University of California Los Angeles Gambling Studies Program. California Health and Insured Status: Centers for Disease Control BRFSS data, 2018 website:

In California, problem gamblers can receive no-cost treatment through CalGETS.  If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER. uses cookies to ensure visitors get the best experience. We also use analytics to improve overall site performance. Please click “Accept” to continue. For more information view our Privacy Policy